Sunday, January 20, 2013

Welcome to My DIY Home!

I've been wanting to do this blog for a while now....where I highlight all things DIY--food, home decorating, gardening, hobby farming, etc :)  Here are some of my favorite re-purposed home decorating projects.  Enjoy!

using an old shower curtain, split up the middle with ribbon ties to keep closed, hides items not frequently used on a shelf purchased from Goodwill 

 using an old TV cabinet to hang purses and scarves and to store diaries, perfume bottles and makeup brushes....also showcasing some vintage items such as vintage jewelry and vintage glamour items
an old window in the kitchen used to showcase old (and new) family photos of our family eating and cooking together

a Goodwill find--a tin tray painted over with magnetic and chalkboard paint--used some vintage buttons and tacked on tiny pieces of magnet to the back of each for some cute "button magnets"